Saturday, May 31, 2008


Today was really swell. I did a little work in the morning before heading over to Belfair for a Jr. Ranger program. Borrowing the idea from several other sources, I led a program entitled "webbing" during which we took a nature hike. On the hike we stopped to talk about a Doug fir tree, a dead doug fir, oregon grape, soil, the birds, sunlight, and water. The trail took us to the shore, so we got to see several different environments. At each stop we paused to talk about how it related to the stop before. When we got back, I asked for something we saw on the trail. The child that answered ("Douglas Fir") held one end of a rope. Then I asked what might rely on the Doug fir. Answer, "birds for nests!" That child held a part of the rope. We continued making the web until the whole rope was used, and then illustrated what would happen if all of the earth worms disappeared. The "earthworm" tugged on her part of the rope. When others felt a tug, they started tugging, until the whole web was effected by the loss of the earthworm. It was pretty neat and I think they really started to think about how everything was interconnected.

What especially great about this program were the answers that the kids gave when I asked things like "why do plants need the sunlight?" While the adults giggled a little at the answers of 4 year old Rosie, she had it right. Continually the kids would answer things in a way that we are not used to thinking, and point out the most important parts of this web. "To live."

After, Jamie and I explored the coast of Twanoh. We then went to Belfair for a potluck with the volunteers, staff, and others. It was absolutely wonderful! They were quite welcoming of these seeming vagabonds and we had a grand time. I hopped over to watch Joel (area manager/ranger) and Steve (ranger) give a campfire program on littering, etc. It was great to see the interest in the crowd.

Returned to the potluck where others were and played some music. First time I've played for a group greater than 5, and I'm still strumming most songs. It seemed well received and was a great excuse to sing with Jamie. I have to practice!

Jamie and I went out on the pier when we got home and checked out the pilings at night. Found some ginormous (that word is for David Couch) sea stars. Fish, mussels, crabs, sea stars, sea weed, spiders, insects. Crazy environments.

Great day.

Styrofoam never decomposes.

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