Friday, May 23, 2008

*a* slug- *to* slug. *a* book-*to* book. I love english.

As if to mock me, a very large banana slug sat at the entrance to the running trail today. About five steps into run, this slimy friend was added to my list of things I can legitimately talk about, while at the same time reminding me I am dearly out of shape.

This slug has been featured quite a lot in my life lately. The book that I just finished, Blue Highways (William Least Heat-Moon), talked of this slug creeping around his truck. I highly recommend the book. The slug…I’m not so sure about.

There are many recipes for the banana slug. Last weekend on my fungus-walk, the guide shared that, although he never tried any of the recipes, he did take a big lick once. Didn’t have a tongue for a day and a half. I am all for encouraging the use of multiple senses to enjoy nature, but I am perfectly content sticking to “sight” on this one.

Got a library card today! Checked out 14 books and read four more in the library. Some are children’s books, some science-type, and some are books I hope to personally get to this summer. Steinbeck & Dillard (thanks Antonia!), and several field guides. Under the guise of “it’s my job,” I am hoping to further explore this crazy world of birds. And for the record, I enjoy split infinitives. To the chagrin of many an English teacher, I vow to fervently use them. I also enjoy starting sentences with “and,” and omitting the subject of my sentences. So there.

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