Thursday, June 12, 2008

"What is your theme?"

This afternoon I met my boss and we drove to Deception Pass SP, north of Seattle. The park was beautiful, the drive full of good conversation, and the interpreter we met insightful and helpful. gathered tips on developing interpretive programming and learned about the geologic history of the area. Overall a good but exhausting day. I get to take tomorrow off because I worked on Tuesday, so I am anticipating sleeping in (I got home at 12:15 tonight) and doing some various tasks that have been long overlooked. I am off to the library tomorrow to return a mess of books and perhaps pick up some new ones for personal reading.

Animal, plant, bird updates for those keeping track (me primarily):

Sunday: cedar waxwing (new); tree, barn, and violet-green swallow; bald eagle, some sort of hawk, rufus hummingbird, black-capped chickadee, song sparrow, swainson’s thrush, yellow warbler, black cottonwood, willows, *

Monday: cormorant, *

Tuesday: a crow doing acrobatics in front of some sort of falcon (light post on I-5 toward Seattle), dark eyed junco, *

Wednesday: raccoon (new), eagle, rabbits (new), nuthatch with three babies (new!), goldfinch (new), black tailed deer (new), swallows, turkey vulture (new), s. towhee, dark eyed junco, *

*gulls, crows, and robins

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