Wednesday, July 30, 2008


If I hadn't of left my batteries in the cup holder in my car as I hopped into the car pulling the boat, I would have pictures of Dan, Demeri, Aaron, and me clambering into a boat, cruising around the Key Peninsula, exploring, trying edibles, climbing trees, bouncing in trees, sitting in trees, playing on drift wood, trying more edibles, chasing grass hoppers. I would have pictures of the undulating wake that reflected purples and blues and blacks and oranges and reds and pinks of the sky. Day's last gasps illuminating Mt. Rainier in deep hues of splendor. and orange good night kisses as the vibrant orb of energy tucked itself in under a cotton sheet of white and a comforter of pine.

But I left the batteries in the cup holder in my car as I hopped into the car pulling the boat, and so instead I spent the time living and seeing these things without a lense. I remember these images and share them with you so that indeed they are not fleeting and indelibly imprinted upon my mind as they are in my heart.

I haven't laughed that much in a long time.

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