Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ailment and Birthday and Christmas

Sunday was Josh's birthday! We celebrated by going camera shopping. My gift was a contribution to a new and awesome camera yet to be picked out. Along with some little things that make Josh wary of how sneaky I can a video purchased from the gift store of a national park in the middle of the mountains...purchased while he was in the store. On his B-day we went to a soccer kick around, bought Dominoes and watched a movie. All around a good birthday I hope. Oh, and Friday I snuck into his work and we had a little chocolate cake dessert before lunch.

I am sick. I lost my voice yesterday, which sucks when you are a teacher. It is coming back I hope. Tomorrow I have a Chirstmas party at work, then I have to drive back to my city where I am subbing a kindy class, and then back to Taichung where I will teach night classes.

Christmas is coming! I have been scrambling to get gifts off to my parents, etc., and for our secret santa tomorrow. I feel like the final product is just a few small gifts, but geez I feel like I have wrapped a lot of things. I will seriously miss christmas at home. I have thinking for several days about Christmas Eve, when Charlotte and I would stay up very late wrapping gifts and stuffing stockings. I am worried that Mom wonders if they should have stockings at all...I am worried who will stuff them :0(. Anyway, I'll miss staying up late with Charlotte being sneaky.

Pasta is finished and warm and ready to eat, and it's 11 at night so almost bed time. I can say I was more fulfilled as a teacher in one day of Kindergarten than I have been the rest of my time here. Maybe this is not true, but I feel that the construction paper christmas tree proves it.

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