Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Week in Review

This week I spent in Taipei training. I met some wicked cool people and had lots of fun adventures. Learned much about my new job and about relationship building. Wednesday night we went to a night market, but it started to pour so we took shelter in an arcade and played games all night. Thursday night we sang KTV which is Karaoke in a private room with lots of food and drinks and friends. Took the train home Friday morning, taught two classes Friday night, and then crashed big time. Today Josh and I went to lunch at teppenyaki and then buying, but somehow ended up without the four most important things on the list (including contact solution and cheese).
Then home briefly and to the mountains outside of the city. In five minutes we were in the jungle. Somewhat frightening scooter ride to the top, pausing on the way to watch the sun set. Then home and to dinner. A slight detour on the way home because of hilariously incorrect t-shirts. I now own a shirt that says "recycle, reuge." This was the least of the problems. A good chuckle, a purchase of some actually cute t-shirts (50 NT each...the exchange rate is 1US:32NT) and to get the contact solution we couldn't find the first time around. Now it is off to sleep. Josh runs in a half-marathon tomorrow morning which starts at 6...which means up at 4...which is now less than 6 hours away. An exhausting day that will be surpassed by tomorrow.


K said...

you two are disgustingly cute. stop that =P

jd said...

Gorgeous pictures - howd you do the lovely silhouette?

Shannon Lea said...

For the silhouette I just held the camera out and took it...had to take a couple so Josh didn't have a tree coming out of his head...