Sunday, March 14, 2010

Friday, Josh got food poisoning. Saturday we read books and recovered his tummy. Sunday, we went to an English book sale, loaded up on novels, got smoothies, then played in a soccer kick around during which the smoothies kicked our stomachs around. Returned home to make pasta, clean the fridge, and write plays for Josh's classes. We adapted the Tortoise and the Hare to a play big enough for 19 8-year-olds, using songs and grammar patterns they have learned already.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to purchase a download-able Economics text book that is restricted to users in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, and US military bases...

My relaxing life in Taiwan will be turned on it's head as I begin teaching 35 hours a week (meaning 50+ with planning/grading) and an Economics course that is supposed to prepare me for a PhD program. But I'll be learning again!

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