Saturday, June 28, 2008


Two Jr. Ranger programs and two campfire programs. It was almost 90 today, which solicits pretty heavy heat advisories here. Weather was beautiful, and the day went pretty well. I am absolutely exhausted, and so will not here give account of my programs. At the end of the last program we had a sing-along which was a lot of fun. This 5 year old boy wanted to write a song, so he came up and stood next to me while I played "the blues." He called it "The Ocean is Blue" or "The Ocean Blues." He really was into it, and made everyone clap along, and at the end, gave me that sassy look with two finger-guns...or something. Anyway, he was a character.

The ocean's blue
there are trees and birds
oh the ocean blues...

I decided that the next song I write will be called "The Flat Hat Blues," a tale of the woes of an intern.

Rock on

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