Today I traveled to Cape Disappointment State Park to speak with and watch an interpreter there. It was a beautiful park and a great afternoon. The sun got off the fence and decided to shine for a good part of the afternoon, the first time in several weeks.
flashback: Me to Kelly, Seattle: "Today was supposed to be partly sunny. Perhaps that is the part above the clouds."

A hike to the beach and then the three hour drive home. Caught up with several friends today and have some program ideas I will finally get to work on tomorrow.

Sitka Spruce grow in about a 15 mile wide band along the coast in a particularly conditioned fog forest. Red Alder are symbiotic with nitrogen fixing bacteria, and the Carbon cycle is neato. I should always have a precise theme and clearly articulate my goal to visitors. Meriwether Lewis was shot in the rear by one of his own men and only brought one pair of socks for each man in the Corp of Discovery.
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