Sunday, May 25, 2008


Time has flown by. Today marks two weeks in Washington and was the final day of my second week of work. Bird walk early this morning that didn't result in much other than reinforcement of calls for Spotted Towhee, Wilson's Warbler, and Swainson's thrush. Spotted a Stellar's Jay chasing a squirrel around a tree which was kind of neat. Bad weather but good walk; nice people. After I led another Junior Ranger program with awesome kids. absolutely.

Spent the later afternoon making friends at a garage sale. Read in the sun, cleaned some, etc. This evening went quickly too! Now to bed because tomorrow I am to rise at 5, step outside, check the mountains. If i can see the top of the mountains, we are going hiking. I have been told there will be 10 feet of snow at the top. Nervous but excited! Hopefully tomorrow I will have tales and pictures from the summit :0)

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