Monday, May 26, 2008

Travels with Twanoh

At 4:45 this morning, I put on some shoes and went out to the dock. Not only could I not see the top of the Olympics, but I could not see the tops of the trees across the canal. There went our hiking plans. After talking to Stacy, I found out that she found out that even the bottom trailhead was inaccessable by car, and we would have had to trudge many miles in ten feet of snow to reach where we originally wanted to start from. Hiking plans are on hold until further notice.

Instead, I watched the fog become a little brighter (sometimes this is what we like to call sunrise), listened to the birds chirp their good mornings, and found some sea stars on the pier. Then I went back, read some, and almost doubled the amount of sleep that I originally got last night.

I think I am officially in love with Steinbeck. or Charley. Probably Steinbeck.

At 6, I joined Stacy at her house and we took her dog (appropriately named Twanoh) for a run in a nearby forest. Absolutely gorgeous and a great adrenaline rush. Then she fed me (good thing too; note to self: groceries tomorrow). Over dinner, Stacy, her fiancé, and I watched Casino Royale. Great movie, especially with our side commentary relating the movie to work in Parks or Fish&Wildlife (Jason is a Game Warden). Overall great day.

Tomorrow running some errands with a coworker, and then preparing my house for Jamie!! She'll be here for a week, and then several days later Kelly (dear friend from school) is coming to visit! I will have several weeks where this house will be filled with laughter, music, and probably, if we try to cook, the fire alarm.

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