This mantis below was outside of a lantern shop by my apartment building. Incredibly really. I am taking pictures as a man with a fishing pole needs to get by. I stand to let him pass. Not wondering what I was taking a picture of, or caring about things other than himself, he steps directly on the mantis, luckily alerting it of danger and allowing it to scurry away with only a sore exoskeleton. After, he looked at me in confusion. Maybe I should be understanding, maybe he was in a hurry, but he never said excuse me, didn't bother to see why I had stopped. Often I wonder if this disregard of surroundings is because I am white and can't communicate. Would people say "excuse me" if they knew I could understand? I sound angrier than I am because you have not experienced's more observation than anger, curiosity. It only becomes anger when we almost get killed on the road. This time, it was "just a mantis" I'm sure.

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