After the game, the official awards presentation was done with everyone huddled around. When it came time to award the MVP trophy for the tournament, we were surprised and excited to see that the refs had voted Josh as MVP! He is an amazing player, with lots of commitment. He took A LOT of hits this weekend, but he's a brick and I love to watch him play.
I played for a Tubbies team 2...full of old guys who threw a team together for the tournament. It was more to my speed and an overall great time. I got some high compliments and played a lot more than I have before. Ouch!
Performance day on Monday went fine. Three parents for five kids, so it was a small audience.
The rain stopped last night long enough for some coworkers and I to go to a barbecue place. Two taiwanese friends, two NSTs, plus me. We had fun practicing Chinese and English, eating barbecue (until I started feeling sick), and relaxing. It's nice to be friends outside of school.
My new camera will come today! I hope to have new pictures up soon!
AND, the rain is gone for now! Predicted to last until Tuesday, it's at least giving us a little respite before the next downpour. The sun is shining on the mountains I see from my window. I can't wait to take pictures pictures pictures.

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