Monday, May 3, 2010

Go Hoosiers!

Not sure if I've made it public: I will be attending Indiana University (in Bloomington)'s School of Public and Environmental Affairs in the fall. I'll be pursuing my PhD in environmental policy.

Josh is going to American University law school to get his JD with a focus in international law (or maybe how national security interests and civil rights coordinate or conflict). He hopes to pursue a masters degree in his second and third year at law school...again with interests in terrorism, international law, US national security...I think oil and asia still play a role in his studies.

We will be back in the states in the middle or August, together making a brief stop (a day or two) at our respective parents' homes in the process of moving our lives 1000 miles apart... thank goodness for skype and gmail and cell phones and cars and airplanes and love, huh?

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