I am busy. I have not posted the adventures of the last two weeks because I feel guilty when I write this instead of grad school applications. Here's the short of it, which will probably be very long. I will try to write more later.
The personal first: I am busy. I'm probably not that busy; I don't know if I am even working forty hours a week, but I have a bit of a commute, and it seems like I am always working. I grade homework in the mornings, go to work about 3, plan lessons untl 4:50, teach 2, 2 hour classes, stay for an hour and a half grade homework and organize my head. I get home about 11, when Josh and I waste time doing cross word puzzles and playing Uno. Buying a deck of Uno cards has been excellent for our relationship - a little strategy, a little sitting around, face to face time talking, and some laughing when we get royally whomped. I taught the word whomp to my kids the other.
On Friday we had a halloween party and we took the kids trick-or-treating. They were adorable and it was lots of (unpaid) fun. I was a pirate and I think I earned some major points because I was the only native-speaking teacher in costume.
Grad school applications are due soon, but I still don't know what I am doing. I am waiting for some responses, I have to send some more. I am feeling quite behind. I've had some dissapointing conversations: I want a degree in policy, not in a specific discipline. Most of the time these students are a bit older because it takes them a while to realize that the disciplines need to work together (this I was told by the director of a program). This means that many programs require a masters: goodbye Yale, Harvard, Michigan, etc. The good news; I have been talking to a prof at the University of Washington since August, and he told me last week to apply and he would make sure to tell the committee to take me. Guraunteed funding for three years (no debt!) and then we would work together to fund my PhD writing. Anyway, I was really excited to be applying to the best schools in the country-for someone who is continually not good enough for herself, it was exciting to think I might maybe perhaps be good enough for an excellent program. But alas I am not because I can't afford to get my masters first.
Josh did not understand why I was so upset about the Masters requirement until he realized that a PhD IS PAID FOR...and saves me two years of schooling in the long run. I want to work at a university- a masters is insufficient.
Okay, so the school thing is happening maybe. I hope to have some more finished by the end of this week.
I'll write the adventures in another post. Just thought it would be good to say what I'm actually doing here, other than getting purposefully lost in the mountains!
so is the funding at Washington for a Master's with this prof? cuz that sounds like a pretty sweet deal. if you're going to have to get a Master's on your way to a PhD, might as well jump at the opportunity ot have somebody else to pay for it.
the funding would be for my PhD. Some programs don't require a masters...this is one of them. There might still be an opportunity to get it along the way with this funding :0)
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