Yep, we were up before dawn yesterday. Waaay before. We left the house a little after 5 and headed to Taichung. As Josh got ready for the race, I watched some hilarious warm-ups led by a 20+ woman with a microphone and followed by some scantily clad older runners. I am now an excellent counter to 8 in Chinese. The gun went off and I searched the 9000 runners for a bearded foreigner with no luck, and I spent the next hour on the scooter driving around Taipei trying to find a place where I could watch the race and/or the finish. I was having no luck until I would take off my helmet, the cops would see a hopeless foreigner, and let me go around the cones to the next cop who would do the same thing. Finally I got a few blocks away from the finish and walked there to watch Josh finish. With a final burst of speed (so fast that as I was running back to the finish line to get a picture, he passed two guys and signaled he was finished with a resounding grunt). He took 109th out of 2000 and I am very proud. We stayed to watch the Kenyans finish the marathon (insane) and we met a few expats.
Then home for a nap, to lunch (teppenyaki again!), flower buying and cloth shopping (our walls are two white), and then home to watch a movie. Josh's boss invited us to dinner last night. She lives on the top of a Mt. Washington-esque overlook of the city in a beautiful house. Dinner was chicken and mashed potatoes and vegetables and extra delicious. The perfect post-race meal for Josh and the perfect I-know-what-I'm-eating meal for me.
Overall a good and exhausting day that leads to Monday which is a work day. I didn't grade any homework or get any applications under way, but it was a great weekend.

Congratulations, Josh!
shannon, How about sending some pics of the apartment once you get the new cloth hung up. And/Or a floor plan. Antonia and I are enjoying imagining you there!
Hi Shannon! So great to read your blog. Glad to hear you are doing well. Don't forget to eat!
Hi Shannon, great to read your blog! Glad to hear that things are going well. Hope you are eating better! Jo
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