I am very tired but know that if I don't write now, I won't write. This afternoon I returned home after two nights away (vacation...woo!). Sunday night I stayed at Stacy's and prepared for our trip. Monday morning we picked Janet up and drove to Gifford Pinchot National Forest to a soundtrack of Peter Mayer (thanks Kelly!) and some a cappella. Setting off on a dusty trail that turned to rock that mixed with snow, we climbed to high camp on Mt. Adams and reached camp by 3:45. It was incredible. We were tired and bug-bitten and in one of the most spectacular places...anywhere. We set up camp and went exploring our alpine meadow/volcanic boulder/glacial lake surroundings. From our camp we could see Adams towering above us, St. Helen's slightly to the left, Rainier slightly to the right, and the Cascades spread out before us. When we climbed to the top of a nearby ridge, our view extended to eastern Washington.
I have very few words. Perhaps it is because the experience was breathtaking or perhaps because my exhaustion has finally hit. Noone else was at camp and so we enjoyed a solitary evening of exploring, eating dinner, taking pictures, taking funny pictures, watching to sun set, being scared by the moon, laughing, relaxing, and watching the stars come out (and some shoot across the sky).
I asked a friend "who the heck makes their 'girls' night out' climbing a mountain?"
His answer..."badass girls."
It was wonderful and slightly challenging but most of all I saw a marmot three times as big as any marmot I have ever seen.
I will miss these people.

Wonderful travel
Beautiful scenery~~
i may never stop being perplexed by pictures of you, surrounded by snow, wearing shorts.
also i am very curious how you were scared by the moon.
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